I’ve arrived, in case you were starting to worry cause you hadn’t heard from me….

It was a good flight. JZ and I had 3 seats all to ourselves, the plane was only half full ~ no wonder they were trying to sell seats for nearly $1,000!! CRAZY. JZ slept while I got to read an entire magazine and watch an entire movie! That’s more than I get to do any day at home. Of course they don’t serve any food on board so I filled up on drinks. Try going to the bathroom with a 9 month old???!!!! Yah, that was a little difficult but I managed and I’m a better woman for it. I didn’t want to pass him off to someone else, he hadn’t cried the entire flight and I wasn’t going to jinx it. The flight was shorter than scheduled, we must have had a good tail wind. We landed just over a half hour early, we were off the plane in minutes and my luggage was one of the first off the plane. Talk about FAVOUR!!!

We stayed the night at my parents place and this morning JZ and I were up really early…. stupid 3 hour time change. The sunrise was beautiful though. It rose over Mt Baker, the snow capped mountain glistening in the light then over the ocean below… what a view! The sunsets are even more spectacular out here… something about a burnt orange sun sinking into the ocean….. GOD YOU ARE AN AWESOME CREATOR! No wonder why there are so many artists out here.

Today I ate at my parent’s restaurant (breakfast and lunch) and visited with my cousin, older sis Tam Tam and younger sis Lala. I’m staying at Lala’s now. Her girls love holding the baby. BTW, those who read Lala’s blog… the dresses turned out incredible. Why she got all the talent ~ I have no idea! It’s nearing midnight for me now but I – have – to – stay – awake –(American Idol is still on out here) I’ll fill you in on more of what I’m up to tomorrow.

Night y’all.


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. Yay, you got there and the flight was quiet, even with a baby!! I saw the pic Lala posted of the first dress. Phenomenal work!! Enjoy your visit.

  2. so, who got first dibs on LaLa’s computer? It was nice seeing you, and can’t wait till Sat…and if the 4 girls dinner w dad doesn’t work out on Friday, call me…GAS, mom, Wawee, and me are going to dinner and Poseidon…

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