
I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. My father-in-law at a church “harvest” party (alternate word for Halloween party) in 2000. He can get silly with the best of them! He slowed down in the last few years that mom was sick but we’ve begun to see glimpses of the original John in the past couple of weeks. This is the Grandpa I want my kids to know and remember.

    You’re only as old as you feel!!

  2. that is TOO funny! so glad they have him!

    I have some new news on my my blog!

  3. Hehe, I remember this one…I am also happy that you didn’t post the one with me in it!!

  4. But now I have probably spoken too soon…;-)

  5. So,I’m gonna guess that it’s those socks that won him his new “friend!”


  6. Dear Blogging Mum:

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  7. What a fun picture 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
    Hope you are doing well…Have a blessed Wednesday.

  8. I love this picture… he truly is alive and well and he is coming back to that again!

  9. Great pic.

    You got the right answer on mine BTW…the stern is out of the water. My lardass actually lifted the thing out!! LOL Time to re-kick Weightwatchers

  10. What a character! Happy WW!

  11. What a funny guy! Happy Wednesday!

  12. I love this pic. He is so happy here!

  13. That’s a fun grandpa!
    I remember that party well – we should have another like that one.

  14. Looks like a lot of fun.
    Made me smile.
    Happy WW!

  15. not going to tag you if you are not going to play!

  16. what a hoot!

    as for the t-shirt my son was wearing – i didn’t even think about it! we wear so much Roots. yah for Canada! 🙂

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