Yesterday went well for JZ at “Weaning Daycamp” he played well and ate well and really didn’t put up much of a fuss. When he got home it was right at dinner time so I put him in his highchair right away and tried to keep him distracted as long as possible. He did well until around 7pm and I couldn’t put it off any longer – I broke down and nursed him. I was sore and huge so it was a selfish move on my part as well!!

What he missed in nursing yesterday during the day – he made up for last night! He fussed and nursed almost every hour. I’m so tired today. He’s back at my friends house again today, I hope it goes just as well. I have no kids now at home with me but I have tons of wash and tidying to do plus a friend from out of town just phoned and is popping by… I’ll rest tomorrow…


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. he is doing great again today. He ate spegetti for lunch, and a little milk from a cup.
    You’ll have to check out Ruth’s blog she is going for 200 comments today….I know we can help get her there!

  2. If he does good during the days then maybe the nighttime will just come when you are gone…who knows..and yes, it was my 200th post today!! I am a copycat!!

  3. you must SLEEP in a different room!! you are never going to wean him if he is in your bed!! trust me! I know!

  4. Wow… I do hope you get some rest. That’s gonna wear you out. I would say listen to your sister 😉

  5. you need to be in the basement and let the DH deal with him for a night or 2 that would help….yes I will let him know that too but I have to get ready for HBF so will do that part later.

  6. Yes I can sgree with your sister too He must either be in another room or at least in his own BED Crib whatever. I suggest maybe once in the night for the first night but after that do it before bed and maybe when he gets up in the morning and thats IT. This is your other sis talking too.Sounds like the days are ok thats god she can get him to eat too that wil help to keep his bely full But tell that brother of mine to get that crib set up tonight!!!!!!! let him see this. See ya Love judy

  7. Please forgive my intrusion, but I figured this is the best way to get a hold of all of my Blog Buddies – just going down my list! I’m calling all prayer warriors to PRAY FOR MY DAUGHTER tonight — PLEASE!!! Thank you!

  8. Hope it goes well.

    Ok, you’re kids are going to be freaked after seeing our pic. LOL. And nope, can’t say as I’m flying out to Ontario any time soon…but someday.

  9. Weaning is hard…it does hurt so bad. (and I do mean physically!!) I hope it goes well again today!

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