When this little one (with the big toothless grin) wakes up in the morning, he’ll be getting ready to head to the dental surgeon’s office. He’s having surgery shortly after 9am and this momma’s a little nervous now. I’ve ignored this date but now it is here. I can’t pretend my firstborn’s not going to be knocked out cold while needles and knives cut though his gums. This is not a moment that I, as a mother, prepared for. I’ve had lots of moments, emergency moments, where I’ve stepped into Supermom’s shoes when the kids were hurt or sick. Lots of moments in the ER!! I do have 3 boys for pete’s sake!! Even lots of scary moments filled with lots of statistics, nurses buzzing around and uncertainty. I managed through all of those quite well actually, with a peace that surpassed all understanding.

But this is different. This is a planned event. I know that in the afternoon he’ll be home and everything will be well. He’ll be less one stubborn little extra front tooth which will allow his other front teeth to finally come in… but this is still an ordeal for my 9 year old whose mom better show a brave face so he won’t think he has to take care of her… he has a way of doing that!

I’ll post some post-op pictures for you.


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. I understand. I was so glad when dh took Z when he got tubes so I didn’t have to deal with the needles and sedation.

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