This series is called, “Invest in Yourself”. I will take the next few days to go over 3 very important steps to a healthier life. These are things I’ve learned through life and experiences and from those in my life like my Mom (certifiable health-nut) and Dr. Stacy Irvine, who has appeared on dozens of TV shows as a health expert and has more initials behind her name than pretty much anyone I know (BSc. Kin; M.Sc.; D.C.; CSCS).

So, without further adieu…. let me begin.

I would like to know something, are you thriving or just merely surviving? Are you living a life you love or do you feel exhausted most of the time; accompanied with an overwhelming sense that there’s just not enough time in the day?

In the 16 years I worked for Financial Institutions, I heard all the financial gurus say, “Pay yourself first!” and to immediately place 10% of our income into an account for our future. When I took the IFIC Mutual Funds course (and passed, YEAH me!), I learned first hand that when we invest money into a long-term plan and consistently add to it, the future dividends grow at an exponential rate.

This same premise holds true with regards to our health and well-being (see Mom, I did learn a few things from you!). When we invest small increments of time and energy over a long period of time into self-care, the returns are also exponential for health and vitality.

When investing in your health, it helps to know exactly what you need to do. Over the next few days, I will share with you a list of healthy living practices that will help you increase your energy, health and happiness.

Here is the first step:
1. Nutrition. Food affects us on so many levels: body composition, mood, energy and immune response. On the cellular level, it’s true “you are what you eat”. The foods and their nutrients are the raw materials to repair and rebuild our cells. The human body reproduces over 300 billion new cells on a daily basis. That’s a lot of opportunity to replace old weak cells with stronger, more resilient ones! With the correct type and quality of nutrients, you can build a stronger and healthier body in no time.

Tomorrow I will talk about step #2 – one which I’m learning to have to live with…. the “E” word!



I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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