Just over two weeks ago, I handed in my iPhone 4 for a Windows 8 Nokia Lumia 920 phone. It was a bit of a big deal to me. I was at the new Microsoft store in Yorkdale Mall with other bloggers participating in the Windows Phone Canada #HolidaySwap to learn all about this new phone we were going to be using over the busiest time of the year. Representatives from Microsoft Canada, Rogers and Nokia were also there.

We learned about the phone’s features and got to play with it a bit. We laughed and smiled and talked and ate and had a lot of fun together.

Then it all became so real…

When it came time to hand over my iPhone, I actually started to panic. I know I love my phone but I didn’t think I was attached to it like that!! Seriously, my palms got all clammy and I was shaking.  Brendan from Microsoft Canada asked me if I was going to be OK, he could literally see my physical reaction when it came time for me to place my phone into his hands.

It took me over a week to stop whining about giving up my iPhone. It’s getting easier to maneuver through the new screens and different looking apps, Facebook and Twitter (I’m using the Rowi app for Twitter) are indeed different and have taken some getting used to. I love the customizable tiles on the main screen, it’s so easy to get to the social media channels I spend my days on… I have access to my 3 different email accounts from my front screen. That in itself rocks!

What else rocks…. here are my top 3 things that I love about the Windows 8 Nokia Lumia 920 Phone:

#1) Picture Quality!

The Christmas tree on the left was taken with my iPhone 4 and the picture on the right was taken at the same time of day with the new Windows 8 Nokia Lumia 920. Both pictures were taken without the flash in the late afternoon.

The photos taken with the Windows 8 Nokia Lumia 920 phone are much clearer, they can be taken in darker and imperfect situations. I’ve had a lot of fun playing around with the photo apps like Cinemagraph, Smart Shoot & Panorama.  Check out these photos I took inside a grocery store and in my home (at night) on the Windows 8 Phone. They are incredibly clear, please note that they were ALL taken without the use of the flash.

Although Instagram has not yet allowed Microsoft Windows Phones to upload to their program (this is an issue with Instagram’s API settings not with Microsoft’s developers), MS’s Metrogram app does allow you to like & comment on your friend’s Instagram pics. I found the fhotoroom app to be very comparable (even more so now that Instagram isn’t allowing people to upload to Twitter and as of January 16, 2013 they can sell your photos & not tell you about it!) and actually offers a much larger selection of editing styles to chose from.

iPhone 4 vs Windows 8 Nokia Lumia 920

 #2) Xbox Music

I like to be able to listen to an album, the entire album, before I purchase it. Heaven knows I’ve purchased enough albums based on one song I like only to hate the rest of the tracks. What a waste of money! Xbox Music allows you to listen to the entire album, unlimited streaming, for FREE. If you wish to purchase the music you can, and your streamed music will sit side by side with your purchased music, one happy consolidated library for easy use.

I’ve been streaming various Christmas music to see which albums I like the best if I decide to purchase.

and #3) Personalized Tiles

My Windows 8 Phone is truly set up for me and me alone.

From one easy location, I can seamlessly check on all of my friends and all of my social feeds. Right now in my ME tile, I’m keeping up to date with my personal Microsoft inbox, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. This one location is pinned to my front page and from this place I can post an update to all of my Social Media sites at once.  There are more accounts I could add but one step at a time for this old bird. 🙂

In my PEOPLE tile, I can see what everyone else is posting and keep track of those who I have recently sent a text to or called and what is going on in one of my private message boards, called ROOMS.

Each day I discover a new shortcut or app or way to manage my day easier. I can honestly say, I’ve stopped wishing I had my iPhone back.

The larger screen, the ridiculously clear speaker phone feature and the extreme durability of the Nokia Lumia 920 are all bonuses I am rather enjoying. The next thing I need to do is set up the Kid’s Corner, with four sets of grabby little hands… this is a feature I am looking forward to taking advantage of!

Read all about how other #HolidaySwap participants are doing during this challenge.


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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