Have you ever met a Cashier / Customer Service Rep who went above and beyond their call of duty?

Jennifer, Susie and I have!!!

While we were in Grapevine, Texas last week, we headed to Target the night before BlissDom, a blogging/social media/pr media conference we work for, began. There were a few things they needed to get for a couple of the sponsor suites and we wanted to hit one of our favourite department stores in the US while we could.

I admit, we spent hours slowing roaming the aisles, each of us pushing a big red cart. 

Thanks to their free WiFi, I was able to take a few pictures of dresses I thought my daughter would like but I had to make sure she’d like them… she’s 12 after all! So I snapped and uploaded to Facebook and waited for her response. It’s a great way to shop and much cheaper than incurring my Canadian-Phone-Provider-Hates-USA-Roaming data charges.

It was easy to lose track of time among all the great deals us Canadians rarely have access too. 

We called our hotel for a shuttle but were told they weren’t picking up at that time of the night. We were about to call a cab when the kindest soul in the world offered to drive us back to where we were staying. YUP! She asked if we wouldn’t mind sticking around until after she was off, she’d drive us back.

SHE HANDED US HER CAR KEYS and told us to load up our things and she’d be out shortly.

Did you get that?!


She trusted these three crazy strangers from Canada with her vehicle.

When she was finished with her work, she drove us to a place where we could eat dinner. In all our US-shopping-glory haze, we’d forgotten to eat… we convinced her to join us for a burger. We had a great time getting to know Debbie from Target in Texas.

If you don’t believe me… check out the pictures.

I am writing a letter to the Grapevine, Texas Target to let them know what a GEM they have in Debbie.

Now when we think of Target in the US, we’ll think of Debbie and each time we think of Debbie, we will be reminded that there are still GOOD people in this world!

This has become their brand/logo to us.  Target = Kindness. 🙂


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. LOVE THIS. What a great ambassador for Target!!!!! Now this is how you build brand loyalty

    1. she really was amazingly kind and now that's what will stick with us about Target.

  2. That is so awesome. I found the people in Texas to be so kind, generous and welcoming.

    1. They were! I love the southern US states, we spend a lot of time vacationing there. So kind and friendly!!

  3. Wow, you just don't see kindness like this around much and I can understand why because it is a scary world. This is very heart warming. 🙂

    1. it still makes me smile

  4. Amazing story! Good things happen to good people 🙂

    1. I hope Target blesses her!!

  5. great story, thanks for sharing.

  6. What a sweetheart…how many people today can hand over their car keys to random strangers?! Wow…she totally deserves good karma!

    1. no kidding eh!!! I could see offering a stranger a ride home but giving them my car keys… 🙂 Debbie is a true GEM.

  7. What a lovely Texas ambassador! 😉 So glad you had a good time, shopped and made a new friend! 😉

    1. It was fun, all the way around!

  8. There are more kind people in the world than self involved and I'm so glad to read about your experience.

    1. thanks, it was so awesome to be a part of!

  9. Wow, what a wonderful story. So glad to see there are still kind people in this world.

    1. it does ignite your faith in society

  10. WOW! Now that is a story to reinstill your faith in the kindness of others! Love it 🙂

    1. now to pay it forward right 🙂

  11. That is such an awesome story. It's good to hear there are still good people in the world!

    1. it does make you smile… knowing they're not extinct 🙂

  12. Awesome! I love to hear stories like this 🙂

    1. it really got us off on the right foot for BlissDom

  13. That is awesome! I love that there are such amazing/kind people in the world who will help strangers w/o being asked!!!

  14. A beautiful picture of life Shan, captured by your own giving heart. Loys

  15. What an awesome and amazing person.

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