I’m being lazy this week, I’m just going to add to this post…

Today is only now day 4 of Spring Break and it no longer feels like Spring. The snow returned yesterday and is still here. It’s not funny!! I just put away the snow gear and brought out the next season, it was 15 C on Sunday.

This is what I’ve done with this wonderful time off – at home with 4 little ones…

Friday – I was out all day! Driving my hubby around while he prepared to head to Michigan for Winter Jam and then around to get birthday presents (shopping alone with 4 kids in an overcrowded – first day of spring break – mall), then drop 2 kids off at two different parties in 2 different parts of the city, then entertain the 3 year old who wants to know why he didn’t get to go to a birthday party (not to mention I still have a baby clinging to me, he’ll be 7 months tomorrow)… then pick up child # 1 (who saw Shaggy Dog and loved it!) then off to pick up child #2 – finally home at 10:30pm! (Hubby got home at 4am and is still recovering… he’s not a young’n anymore)
Monday – My hubby heard that Dora, Sponge Bob and Patrick were going to be at Wal-Mart and I just had to mention it to the kids. WHY???? We stood in line for over an hour and got up to the front of the line to hear that they were taking a 15 minute break. WHY DID I WANT TO DO THIS???? The photo op took all of 30 seconds and was out of focus to boot.

Tuesday – did yesterday really happen?? While my hubby and a friend (thank you SB) framed in our kitchen – which I am truly thankful – I watched 7 children!!!! (6 boys and 1 girl ~ my baby, a 13 month old, a 3 year old, two 5 year olds, and two 7 year olds) In the middle of all of this – we had 14 Japanese exchange students come through our house to interview a “Canadian” family and see how others live, what a day to come by…

Wednesday – Today has been quiet for the most part, except that I keep thinking it’s Thursday and was wondering why no one has their TT’s up… I had all 7 kids in my care again for a few more hours while my hubby and SB finished up even more framing and now it’s quiet time…. LOVE IT!! Tonight we have a funeral viewing, my friends dad passed after a year long fight with cancer.

I’ll plan a fun day for Friday, we all deserve it!! Any ideas….

I hope you’re having a great Spring Break!!!


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. wow that sounds like fun!!!

    I am heading into Vancouver tomorrow with the kids…1 extra..and my exchange student…I may be meeting some of my friends with their kids so looks like we might just take the city by storm!!!

  2. The Spongebob, Patrick, Dora stint sounds pretty cool, although frustrating! A couple of years ago, we took our older 3 to see Spongebob, and they were so excited…until it was our turn for pics. No one would go NEAR him. One was crying…yeah, that was fun. :p

  3. Hey, thanks for telling us about Dora at the store, I won’t hear you next time!!! We stood in line for an hour and 15 minutes FUN!!!

    But, yay your kitchen is framed!!

  4. I got tired just reading that.

    Cute picture!

    Hugs Suz

  5. We dont get our spring break until the week of easter. I don’t know canada well but it sounds like you could go sledding;)

  6. You’re right Mommy of 4, our “Spring Break” is closer to a “Winter Break part 2” but if you’re from where my sis is from, the flowers are in full bloom and warm… it’s just not fair!!

  7. hey girl…thanks so much for stopping by and leaving an uplifting post. it means so much to have the support and prayer from other bloggers and Believers. you guys have been awesome!

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