The kids have spent the weekend catching frogs. We live right behind a “protected wet land” which I call a swamp. (That’s our grey house in the background)
On Friday after school they met up with a neighbour friend and attempted to do their best at splitting up frog families. They managed to catch
quite a few ~ of which I made them return to their home. Today they were up early and back out there again. I think in total they caught around 6 today and 1 rather large tadpole by the time I told them to give the froggies a rest, that was at 11am.
We spent the rest of the day shopping – with the neighbour friend – at Ikea and at Sam’s Club. Shopping with 5 kids (8, 7, 6, 3yrs & 10mo.) is interesting to say the least. I actually enjoyed it ~ my hubby gave me more grief than they did! We left Ikea having only spent $8.68 which is totally amazing and I have no idea how I managed that much restrain?! What I saved there ~ I spent at Sam’s… Oh well, I had fun. (What I did do at Ikea was change my mind on my kitchen cabinets and pick out lighting & checked out the dining room tables, I’ve given mine away…and decide on a counter top ~ we’re going with granite after all!!)
Now the kids are back in the swamp, splitting up more froggy families. The joys of being young. Don’t worry ~ I bought LOTS of hand sanitizer!!
I just joined CWO — I love your blog! We’ve been out plant hunting this week; no frogs though.
as long as they don’t start licking them!
or kissing them…they don’t really turn into princes you know! Every kid needs a tadpoe and frog memory from their wonder years. You’re kids are soooo cute!
EEEWWWW… frogs.
I hear you on Sam’s Club! We try not to go more than once a month. And not to mention that Wal-Mart gets a lot of our $$$!! I think we should have bought stock a long time ago!
Hi Thank you for your comment – i really hope I can grow to like it here. It’s already been 9 years and still when I think of home I cry. It’s sad really. I HAVE to get over it and just accept I’m going to stay here…unless we win the lotto..ha ha. I love frogs..I cannot wait to do things like that with my Samantha. your kids are so cute!! I’ll come by again, it’s nice to talk to someone from the same part of the world. take care!
How fun!!
Oh, how much fun for the kids :). I wish I were still little…
You only spent $8.68 at Ikea – share your secret…We never get out of there under $50 *sigh*…I stopped shopping at Sam’s due the fact that we are only 3 in the family and I ended up throwing stuff out…
Thanks for stopping by the other day – sorry I am so late on my return visit.
Oh, I remember hunting for frogs…last year!! We found tadpoles and they all died. We wanted to see them change…I can kill anything quickly, except for that Fatfish (he took a while!!)