My oldest is leaving on his very first ~ all by himself ~ plane ride tomorrow afternoon. He’s been on tons of planes before just none without us. His first plane ride was when he was 8 weeks old; we flew him to BC to show him off to my family, Christmas 1998. When he was 7 months old we flew with him to Europe. Landing in Paris then we backpacked around Switzerland and Italy before returning home. He was the hit of the flight! The pilot even held him in the cockpit. Since then he’s been on at least 1 plane per year, so flying isn’t an issue. He’s not the one who’s worried… did I mention it’s a nearly 5 hour flight….

I phoned the airline and the airport authority and I can only take him as far as the check-in counter. They will have someone walk him through security and stay with him at the gate. This is the part that I don’t like. Toronto Airport can be a zoo! I have prayed for his angels to work double time!!

Q will be gone for two weeks in total. My parents are taking him and his cousin to Disneyland. They are driving down in their RV on Wednesday. My dad has some business to attend to on the way there but they should be in Anaheim by Friday. They plan on taking in the Oregon Coast on the way down (it’s beautiful!!).

My dad’s really looking forward to the trip. He’s been busy making games for them to play while driving, places for them to put their clothes and to sleep. He has it all worked out! It will be a good bonding time for Q and his grandparents. He only gets to see them once to twice a year if lucky. They fly to visit us most often. Nana came out here for a weekend this past March, but they only saw each other for a day or so. Q hasn’t seen his papa since our trip out there last September, almost a year ago now. We won’t be travelling back there much anymore. Taking 4 kids and two adults on an airline in Canada is NUTS! You might as well buy the plane!

Today I’m spending the day packing his bags, making sure he isn’t missing anything. I’m going to miss you my big man but I know you’ll have a lot of fun and make some incredible memories!!


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. Emily is pretty excited too, the kids have been busy making Q I love you cards!!
    I have to go to city hall today to get her paperwork for the border!
    Mom said Dad has so much for them to do! so cool thay they do this with the kids! I am so thankful that they are young enough to make such memories with the kids!!
    Mom is going to try to come to the airport with me to pick up Q, we are all pretty excited to see him!!

  2. Sounds like Q is going to have a lot of fun! He must be so excited. Is this his first time to Disney World? Praying for safe travels with you!

    P.S My blog looks like it is not updating for me…if you happen to check it and do not see the “No Worries” post ether could you let me know. Thanks so much!!

  3. I wonder who’s going to more nervous when the time comes to say goodbye…you or Q? Your poppa is so cute when he gets to put on his grandpa hat! He’s like a big kid himself.

  4. How exciting! I was 23 before I took my very FIRST plane ride – to MAUI (and back of course). That’s it – no other trips. How lame a life is mine.

  5. I think it is awesome that your parents can take him to Disney. What a great time for bonding. I loved going away with my grandparents when I was a kid.

  6. What a great opporunity for Q to go on. I would be nervous too sending my first child (well I would if I had kids) on a plane too. However, the angels will be protecting him!!! Hope you have a great flight Q . I guess I won’t be seeing you this coming weekend:(…Hug mickey for me 🙂

  7. I remember going to Disneyland when I was 8 and flying on the plane by myself. So Q, I can somewhat know what you are going through. I too was going to see my grandparents, but I truly think the best part you’ll enjoy is not the amazing DisneyLand but the time driving down with your grandparents. It is an incredible experience, when you hang out with someone from a generation way before yours. You learn and grow so much, but it doesn’t compare to, when it’s your own grandparents. God bless your trip Q and remember the princess who goes my the name of Cinderella, is actually me (Aminka), don’t let them fool you. (Okay sure, she might not be black because not everyone can look just like me, you know !!!) Love ya Q

  8. Oh man, I would be nervous too! I’ll be praying for a safe flight for your little one. I see that you’re related to Lala!! How fun to see which bloggers are related and which ones are friends!!

  9. I hope your son has a great time. I am sure he will – it sounds like fun.

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