I’ve been so busy with work this week that I haven’t been around here much… but while I have a few moments of down time, let me fill you in on at least one day of my week. Today.

Hubby is home!!!! That should have you up and cheering!! For those of you who don’t know me… he was gone for 1.5 weeks while he drove his brother out from Ontario to BC where he moved to Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. So anway… HE IS HOME!! and he preached today.

Something incredible happened to him on the way out west, this is what he shared this morning and talked about the significance of it all. He was 300 klm from Thunder Bay and about 40 klm past the closest town (northern Ontario is pretty sparse) when both belts went on the RV. His brother took off towards the closest town and hubby stood by the side of the Trans Canada Hwy for hours waiting for his return.

Along came a small bus that had been converted into a camper, painted camouflage. Hubby was worried as it stopped, turned around and came up behind them. Then another truck pulling a trailer with a large deep freezer on it, pulled in behind the bus. Hubby wasn’t sure what to think. They took a look in the engine and fiddled around and that’s when he found out that it wasn’t just 1 belt but 2 (Serpentine and alternator). So as they’re standing around at the side of the road, slowly the remainder of the families in the vehicles came out to see what was going on. So now there were a dozen or so adults and about a dozen kids standing by the side of the road.

This is where it gets good (thanks for bearing with me)…

The driver of the converted bus starts small talk with my man, where are they going, where are the coming from etc. It turns out these families were on their way to Pickle Lake to go moose hunting (hence the deep freezers in the back of the truck). The guy asks dh (da hubby) where he was from, dh says the town, he looks at dh and says, “I’m from there!” dh tells him what street he grew up on, the guy says, “I grew up on that street!”. He then leans into dh and says, “Did you go to Bible school?: dh says yes… he then asks, “Do you love Jesus?” dh says yes… It turned out that they were neighbours when they were kids!! He was 12 when dh was 17 and went off to Bible school. That’s not the incredible part.

He grabs dh and hugs him – squeezes him and is shaking uncontrollable – for a very long time, dh said it was the longest hug he’d ever had. So here they are at the side of the road, 300 klm from Thunder Bay and 40 klm from Longlac, 250 klm from the closest serpentine belt… (the most northern part of Lake Superior, where most people speak French not English) and he’s being hugged by someone he hasn’t seen in 25 years.

If you’re curious where that is… http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source= … 449463&z=8

That’s STILL not the incredible part.

This man finally releases him from his grip and says, “I’ve been looking for you for 18 years!!“.

He tells dh how influential he was as a teen on his life. This man didn’t grow up in a Christian home but knew dh did and thought he was cool and nice and looked up to him. He remembered the day dh (da hubby) left for Bible college he said to dh, “You’re going to meet lots of chicks?!” only like a 12 yr old boy can!! Hubby’s answer that followed stayed with him for all of his life (dh said that he wasn’t going for that, but God would bring the right girl, at the right time to him) and when he reached the end of his rope, after rebelling in his teens and young adult life, he cried out to God – to the God that his neighbour when he was a kid served (he couldn’t remember dh’s name). He gave his heart to the Lord and turned his life around and is now in fact a pastor leading a church near Ottawa.

He’s been praying for years for God to bring them together. And He does, on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere. How’s that for a divine appointment!!

Can anyone guess what he preached on to go with this story?!!


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. that is incredable!! A God appointed appointment for sure!!!

  2. What an AMAZING story! God is so awesome…

  3. Randy Alcorn. His books about Heaven are disturbing in that he makes me look deeper into myself. I judge myself and see how much I can improve now that I know more. I'm not sorry I know more. I'm really happy that by divine appointment, I came across one of his books and I have already given it away to someone I hardly know but I believe it will benefit them too.

  4. ok, that is really really cool. And yes, northern Ontario IS rather sparse. I wouldn't want to get caught on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle- especially since cell phones don't work in most areas in-between towns.

    Only God can orchestrate such a cool event!!

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