Blissdom Canada 2011 is coming to the Hilton in Toronto from October 13-15! 

I’m so very excited!! March 31st registration for Blissdom Canada 2011 will open and there are a limited amount of tickets due to the space available. Tickets will be $100 less than they were last year! Only $198 (plus taxes) and thankfully… there’s no early bird kerfuffle! That’s just a few days away! I have some things to do to get ready for that, like paying my mastercard bill…. oops!

The other day I posted about getting a sponsor for conferences. What many did not realize and still don’t from the chatter I’m seeing on Twitter… is that the majority of people have to pay for their conferences upfront and once they have a sponsor, if they get a sponsor, they send in their receipts for reimbursement. That’s even what I had to do last year.

Another great point to make, that I think is getting missed in all of this… is that this is a business investment! The amount of things I learned about monetizing my blog, growing my brand, improving my writing, all which will bring increase to my business… was incredible! The ability to network, meet and befriend gads of fabulous business women, in my books, was even better. I may understand the in’s and out’s of Social Media Management and Search Engine Optimization but I am still lacking in other areas.

Think of the money you have to put out for these conferences as a business investment. How much you put into it {your blog/business}… will determine how much you will get out of it!

I’ve said this a few times now and I still stand by it, Blissdom Canada went beyond merely being a social media / blogging conference – if you followed the #blissdomcanada hashtag from the time it was hosted up until right now… it has never ended! It never slowed down. We never stopped talking to each other through it. It quickly became a community! After the conference was over Bliss Lunches started popping up from coast to coast and that is just the tip of the iceberg. As a blogger, you are not,  “An Island unto your own”! You are far from alone! 

You’ll get to meet incredible people IRL 🙂 Like I did! After being online friends with Tara from Tara’s View of the World for 3 years AND NEVER MEETING… we finally did because of Blissdom Canada 2010.

If you went to Blissdom Canada 2010, what was your experience like? What was your favourite moment?


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. I've never been as far east as Toronto. I'm seriously considering this conference. Thanks to all of you who put in the effort that you do into making this a reality. Canadian bloggers need love too!!!!

  2. It was beyond wonderful last year and I can't wait for this year!! I will be buying my ticket when registration happens and then hoping for a sponsor too!
    love you! xox

  3. Oh my goodness…you are so awesome. Your upbeat and infectious spirit are just driving me to post more and get out there and make my blog better…dig deep and get myself a sponsor. I think that Blissdom should sponsor you cause you are like free crazy advertizing for them…go girl !!

  4. I will definately be going.. maybe i can find a roomie to help with hotel costs.

  5. Even without a sponsor, the registration cost is 100% deductible from your self-employment / blogging income. You can deduct 100% of registration costs for up to 2 conferences a year, and 50% of food/meal costs during that time, and 100% of travel and hotel costs.

  6. My favorite part last year was being surrounded by amazing people who "get" what I do. No explanation needed. Yes I learned a lot but it was the community that meant the most to me and what I will miss this year. Yes I can get notes from you and other people but I will not get to be around such amazing people sharing in the experience.

  7. Can't wait! It's going to be another brilliant BlissdomCanada!

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