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Thirteen Names for Shash1. Bonoink (after a trip to Hawaii my whole family came home with names starting with a B)2. Radar Ears (in a house full of girls…there was a lot to listen too…)3. Monkey Ears (I was born with a little extra cartilage in my ears, at 12 yrs of age I had plastic surgery, thanks to my older sis’ boyfriend – now hubby – for this one!)4. Shashi (my first nephew, who is now 22, couldn’t say my name so he called me “Shashi” – my entire family started calling me this and still do to this day, my sis Lala’s kids still call me auntie shashi…) 5. Shasher (My blogs name sake… my high school buds called me all sorts of names from and including Shashi, thanks Sara for this one!)6. Shooshi Shasher (thanks again Sara…) :-)7. Shash (all derived from a little boy, over 20 years ago, who couldn’t say my name properly, and all names I am still called today)8. TT (I wasn’t going to include this one… let’s just say nobody believed me when I grew into “womanhood” over one summer)9. Mommy (of course it is said with much more of a whine these days…)10. Mama (when my oldest wants something… he’s good at sucking up)11. Bud (my hubby called me this when we were dating, before he said he loved me…this was the “like” stage, he says it is because he saw me blossoming…)12. Gopher (we used to spend a lot of time at my uncle’s ranch, one summer I was sent to get everything, Go-for this, Go-for that…)13. Babe (and not after the pig either… you’ll hear my hubby say this a lot, and I say it to him when I want his attention too) Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. Ruth2. Lala 3. Suz4. Jeepgirl5. mommyof4 |
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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hey nice list!! I remember calling you a few names myself growing up……. but that’s another list!! haha
my TT is up
hmmm….let me decide which one I should call you now. I thought about doing this for one of my lists but my nicknames were not so nice!!!!
Great site – thanks for visiting mine. I have you bookmarked.
Lots of cool names I like shashers best. Thanks for sending me over to jeep mom that was really funny!
Happy TT … Thanks for stopping by. I go to Lala’s blog everyday, dont know why I havent been here. Will have to add you to my blogroll 🙂
Great List of nicknames. Like how you told the story of each one.
Hugs Suz
that’s an awesome list – telling how you got them! but…how do you respond to them all?
btw, i came here via eph2810 – awesome woman of God!
THanks for commenting on my blog! You are always welcome. I am always sarcastic…
That’s fun. You have a lot of nicknames. And a lot of fun memories!
Thanks for stopping by my TT!
You know, I don’t have a lot of nick names :), but one name I just love to hear “Sweetie” – my hubby calls me that all the time…
Thanks for visiting My TT today – I’ll add your link to my page 🙂
How sweet. Wish I had as many nicknames, they sound like fun. Most things I get called I probably wouldn’t want to blog about 🙂
Sorry for the late post. Thanks for stopping by my 13.
cool list. I dunno if I’ve been called 13 different names or not. I’ll have to think about that…
Come on by fefyfomanna: Thursday 13: Places to call home You’re already linked up! 😀
wow i am no 6