My in-laws met when Dorothy was only 15 and married a couple of weeks after she turned 18. 53 years ago yesterday (June 20th, 1953)! Who would have known that we wouldn’t be able to celebrate it this year? Dave’s mom suddenly passed away on October 7th, 2005 (my mom’s birthday), she was 70 years of age.
They had a great marriage, to say the least! Never once was the “D” word ever – ever mentioned. Mom said that when they married it was for life, no sense throwing around words you’d later regret. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have a “disagreement”. She’d get mad at him and you’d hear her say in a loud voice, (as loud as she got which wasn’t a yell by my standards), “JOHN” (it sounded like JJOOOHHNNNN, she’d drag it out for the full effect and her voice would squeak). They raised 5 kids who all love and respect their parents and she got to meet her 14th grandchild only 7 weeks before she went to be with Jesus – that would be my Jacob Zane. She left behind a legacy that you can only imagine, from her baked goods to her gentle smile and gracious hosting abilities.
Thank you Mom and Dad for opening your hearts to me, the one who married your baby boy. You’ve never made me feel like an “out-law” but like a true daughter. Thank you for your example on how to love.

what a great example!!! your inlaws are terrific!
how precious! I hope my future in-laws are like yours were! Things aren’t like they used to be, they married for forever, not just until a minor bump came along!
great post!
Great lookin’ couple !
what a great post Shashi…and man, does D ever look his father from that top photo!!
oops, wrong account…They were and are great examples of what we should be…we have been blessed as a family to have met them.
That is a wonderful post it makes me want to shed a few tears. I miss my Grandma very much. There 50th anniversary party was the day my hubby and I got to spent our first entire day together. He felt very welcomed as well. Our family is special…I love it!