
I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. This is the day Jake was born. Only a few hours later I was in the hospital for a “non-stress test” and around two hours later he was born. I was busy all morning still packing up the house as we were moving the following week!

  2. Ha, people are going to think you are pregnant again!! No, you looked good for being at the end!!

  3. I agree with Ruth…people are going to read your comments because they think you are pregnant again.

  4. Wave has surfaced again!

  5. Ok, you freaked me out…I was thinking I was missing something till I read your comment that it’s you with Jake.

  6. It’s amazing how you can look like this one day then the next totally different. It is also amazing how women go thru all this and all the pain then want to do it again and again. Tis a bit taxing on the brain!

  7. Hey, congrates on #5!!! Great news!!! (hee, hee)

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