1. He is the 5th child in his family – the baby.

2. His mom cried the entire 9 months she was pregnant. His parents thought they were done at 4 and were even sleeping in separate beds by this point.

3. He turned 43 on January 4th, 2010.

4. He gratuated a year earlier than his age group and went off to college right away in the US.

5. He was 17, living in Barrington, Rhode Island attending Zion Bible Institute (it’s moved to MA since). He went there for their 3 year program and then onto Minnesota to finish off his Bachelor of Science – Theology degree.

6. He moved up to near Ottawa for his first job in a church as a youth pastor then soon became the assistant pastor.

7. In 1993 he left the world of regular paycheques, medical and dental benefits and a huge head office and started a new church from scratch, all by himself with 5 people in the living room of his parents home.

8. He never had a girlfriend until me, he was 28 when we met. He took a couple of girls out for a dinner date or two but when he didn’t feel it was right or she was “it”, he didn’t call her again. (He had plenty of opportunity to date before he met me… the church was filled with single women — wanting to meet the single pastor…)

9. I was the 2nd girl he ever kissed – the other girl, he was 13 or 14 and he kissed her on her cheek — and yes, I believe him! When he first kissed me – he asked first if he could – his lips were so tight and shaking, he was extremely nervous. We were in West Vancouver, BC overlooking the city, it was a beautiful night.

10. He plays the flute (although he rarely plays it in public) and he self-taught himself the guitar.

11. He sings AWESOMELY and I’m not just saying that!

12. When he was younger he wanted to go into forestry and work as a Ranger – until he was 14 and he heard God speak (audibly) to him about being a pastor.

13. He’s out right now taking all four of our kids to school, he spends a lot of time with them, playing, reading to, praying with and just hanging out with!
When you allow God to bring you the one you’ll marry… He goes all out!!

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I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. My dh is also the last child in a large family, but that's about all they have in common.

  2. Your husband's quite the interesting person!

  3. Your DH sounds like one very special guy! It's lovely the way God works in our lives to bring true loves together. 🙂 I have that too.

  4. he sounds like an amazing husband!

  5. Isn't God Good!!!!!
    you can feel the love just pouring out of this post..
    Happy T13.. what a great post about your wonderful husband.

  6. I really enjoyed your post and it was a great idea to post about your hubby! Maybe I'll take a cue fromk you and do the same next week! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. What a lucky lady you are. He sounds like a really wonderful man! Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  8. He sounds like a wonderful man. You are blessed indeed.

    Great to hear from you again!

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