I was reading “Flying with a 1 year old” by Domesticated Momma tonight. I started to leave a comment, a memory of flying with little ones, when it suddenly got a tad too long. I decided to write a full post on it. Apparently I haven’t told you about this particular trip…
I have flown a lot with my children, as early as 2 weeks old, trust me when I say, I’m an old hat at this, however; not all trips have gone according to plan… 🙂
One of the most memorable trips I’ve taken was in 2002, it was almost Christmas time as I was heading home to BC (a nearly 5 hr flight) with my newest baby to meet my family… along with a 2.5 year old and 4 year old in tow.
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Christmas 2002 ~ They look so innocent… |
This time around I was flying with three kids sans hubby, a severe inner ear infection had grounded him. Not to worry, I could do it, after all… I’m Supermom!
On the evening flight out West, I’d had the BRIGHT idea to wean my darling little girl (2.5) off of her “bubba” (bottle). My logic was simple, I knew she’d ask for her bottle and I’d say, “it’s not here, I can’t get it” and all would be well with the world.
Imagine my surprise when she didn’t quite understand why I couldn’t just go to the kitchen to get her bubba. “WAAAAAA bubba WAAAAAA” is all we heard in that confined space for the next hour or so.
She was not to be outdone by her older brother (4). He kept kicking the seat in front of him, apparently the medication the doctor recommended to make him drowsy backfired on me. He did manage to get her mind off of her bubba… as he slapped and poked at her incessantly.
We haven’t even talked about the baby yet.
My youngest was 3 months old. As I bounced with him in the aisle to keep him from crying and to fall asleep (him not me), I was threatening the other two to sit still or else (or else what, where the heck was I going to go). It was pure joy all around.
Finally an angel, a mid-wife, came up from the back of the plane to my aide. She took the baby from me for the remainder of the flight. That’s about the same time the Gravol kicked in, in the right way this time and my princess stopped asking for her bubba. Sssshhhhh hear that?! 🙂 Yes, the seat belt sign just dinged… we’re landing!
My mom was waiting for us at the airport. She was grinning from ear to ear. She couldn’t wait to see her daughter and her precious grandchildren. I didn’t say hello. I quietly handed her a baby and said, “Never again!”
This is just one of our many, many trips. We do travel a lot with the kids. In fact, less than 3 years later, I did indeed… do it again! This time with FOUR! Either I’m a glutton for punishment or I’ve gotten better with age.
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White Rock, BC ~ September 2005 |
Loved reading this and it reminded me of my own horrors of flying to England and then back (two weeks later)with two little ones and my husband who wasn't seated with us for most of the flights. I managed but I also might've gone off on him when we landed and he tried to head out for a ciggie break before giving me a little break,lol. Poor thing had no idea why I was so irate-I still don't think he gets it!
OH MY WORD I can't even tell you how much I love seeing your kiddos as babies… they are just so darn adorable!!
Doug and I once flew from Hamilton to Vancouver with Aiden & Owen when they were both under 2 and they both screamed the whole way. Wow did that ever suck. People hated us. A lot. Then the boys screamed the whole flight back to Hamilton as well…. except that one we had two layovers so they screamed extra loudly. Oh good times.
Haha! I only laugh because that would so be me! My first flight with a baby I got pooped on, had to make a connecting flight (retrieve and recheck my luggage and take a tram,) got stuck on the Tarmac for three hours and handed my baby to a perfect stranger so I could go pee. See why I hate flying? Traumatized. Ha!
What a great story to share with others. Yes you are a very brave women to do this again. But just think you have great stories to share with your children when they are older!
Thank you so much for sharing your memories of travelling with younger children. Honestly, I think it's expecting a lot for a child to remain well-behaved on a long flight. And really is it so bad if they do act out just a bit. Sure it's stressful at the time, but at the end of it all — you probably will never see most of the other passengers ever again.
I remember when my daughter was 8 months and we were about to descend into Toronto. She woke up just as decent started. It was the longest 30 minutes of my life. We were sitting next to a guy who just celebrated his bachelor party and it felt like everyone was staring. But like when you had a midwife come to your aide; we had an elder man trying to make our daughter smile. It didn't work, but it was the thought that counted.
I have yet to travel by plane with 4 or even 1 of our children. Although I was looking forward to it, LOL We have drove 6 hr car rides, and I can now see why a plane may not be as fun LOL Thanks for sharing! @inRdream
I just got shivers looking at that last photo – I could eat them up!
I can't believe you flew with a 2 week old- you are brave – I admire you!
I knew you were my hero for a reason!
I love Q's cheeks in the 2nd pic, by the way! 🙂
Flying with small children can be really tough, especially if there are special needs involved. And some people are so unforgiving about any 'issues' that might arise with you and your kiddos.
We had to fly on Boxing Day with our 6 month old daughter because my father had passed away the day before. It was such a hard time for me, personally, as I was grieving, and had packed sorta haphazardly to get out of town fast. The 'revelers' were the worst. We were sitting behind a guy who was already toasted at 10am, and he was awful about our kiddo, even though she did really well on the flight. I think flying during the Christmas holiday time with small children might really be the worst!
You are a brave woman, but you do what you've gotta do, right!? 🙂
~ Raylene
Oh yeah! Travel with kids. Brings back sweet memories – ok not – we never travelled by air when they were little but I remember way too many road trips!
I have only flown once with my boys and they were all under the age of three. Once we got on the plane they all fell asleep. A stranger and a stewardess had to help me off to plane.
Peace, Love and Chocolate,
you are a brave woman flying with little people. Not sure if I could do that and my child is almost 8.
I've never even flown in an airplane, let alone with kids! I've done long car drives and that was tricky enough, at least we could get out when we wanted to. Can't do that on an airplane!
BTW, LOVE the last photo!
OH my goodness how cute are those squishy faces!!!!
Thanks goodness for kind strangers Shannon… Her kindness has obviously never been forgotten. You have probably returned the favour plenty of times 🙂
And that is why I haven't flown with kids on a plane;-)
You are far braver than I. Flying with children scares me, but I always try to be understanding of those who do.
After all, nobody likes an airport, children are perhaps just a bit more vocal about those emotions than the rest of us.
You are crazy brave. I don't think I would have got on the plane sans hubby. (And the time travel pics of your kiddos are so darn adorable.)
I recently travelled with my 18 month old. I was anticipating the worst and got the best.