I am sooooooo looking forward to this upcoming weekend!!

A church that we relate to about an hour away is running a parenting seminar. The lady who is flying in from Coffee Town on the West Coast to lead it is a wonderful speaker, author and mother…. to FIVE sons!!!! She has just written an incredible book ~ she was one of the authors I mentioned in my TT the other day…. 😉

The last time she was in town to speak we were literally at the edge of our seats and we didn’t want her to stop talking!!! She has loads of experience and tons of godly wisdom to share with us. She and her husband have lead churches for nearly 20 years and in the midst of all that they raised 5 godly leaders in their home. Each one of their boys are on fire for God and serve one way or another in the church today.

If anyone gets to tell me how to parent… it’s someone who has done a fa-bu-lous job at it firsthand!!!


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. We are looking forward to it too.

  2. I am going to a conference this weekend too! on the prophetic with Pam…I am so excited about that!

    and the pics were taken with my camera and some with dad’s and I have not noticed spots with Morgan’s!!

  3. I am excited about the parenting seminar on Saturday as well!

  4. I am really looking forward to Saturday also. I agree Shan, I am only open to advice from someone in regards to parenting who has SUCCESSFULLY and EVIDENTLY walked it out, otherwise- in one ear and out the other!

  5. I agree and disagree…
    I remember when my son was born, my pastor gave me some very good instruction…. “you’ll get lots of advice from all kinds of people… don’t get defensive, take it all in stride, some will be good, other advice not so good, but love people regardless.”
    So, that’s what I do… just because someone may be struggling, doesn’t mean they don’t have some wisdom from experience, both good and bad.
    Remember children, despite their upbringing make their own choices. Look at Franklin Graham… or Gordon Robinson…or John Copeland… sometimes people drift for a time before they come back to faith… doesn’t mean they had bad parents, just means they have free will.
    So, don’t be too hard on people… advice comes from everywhere, even the good advice may not work for your family.
    I think weighing the advice is better than weighing the people…

  6. That sounds like a good conference.
    Yes, it would have been perfect having you and your’s out here this weekend. Both Waawee’s and Lala’s homes are beautiful. I sure miss them though!!
    Enjoy your week. Miss you too!

  7. Hi Shash, I’ll gladly add you to the LoPW blogroll. I just need your e-mail address so that I can e-mail you the code. You must display the blogroll somewhere on your blog (it can be in an expandable/collapsable menu if you want.)

    Follow me back to my blog and click on the e-mail me link to give me your e-mail address and I’ll get the code to you ASAP! Thanks for joining the blogroll!


  8. I would love to hear her talk! I bet I would learn a lot from her with having 5 sons of my own! How wonderful that all of their children are now serving the Lord as their life’s work.

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