I woke up this morning surrounded by a couple of my boys. My oldest had crawled in early enough for me not to notice, he is still feverish this morning. JZ was on the other side – spoiled that little boy is I tell ya! Soon after we were joined by Em’s and an hour later Liam finally woke up and came in (it was nearly 10am!). My hubby is still away and our king sized bed is too big without him there so I like the extra company. We just laid there together, watching TV while I stroked their heads and backs, making a conscious effort to not leave someone out.

Q made a comment about age and “when he’s grown up” and it reminded me of how quick life passes us by. I remember having that same conversation with my parents. I remember feeling that everyday was moving so slow and I’d never get big. It was a good moment to share with Q to enjoy every day to the fullest ’cause soon enough he’ll be my age wishing it hadn’t gone by so fast.

In relative terms, compared to our entire life span – we only have a few years – the smallest amount of time in its entirety, with our kids at this age. These younger years are so precious and so important. What and how you play / discipline (instruct) / love them now – sets the stage for the rest of their lives. It affects how they love and even how they raise their own children. What a great responsibility we have right here and now! They look up to us with full trust and admiration; I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.


I'm the Cool Mom of 4, Married to the Preacher Man, but at times I'm a little more Sass than Saint!

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  1. What a beautiful post:). You are right, it seems that we only have a blink of an eye raising our children. The time you had spend with you kids are precious indeed and I know that they will cherish them for a very long time.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. My mom told me about a quote that her mom always said: “Only one life will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.”

    Great post. I love those lazy mornings!

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